The Real Estate Elevator: Eleven Ways We Elevate Agents to Higher Performance

Introduc�on: In the fast-paced world of real estate, agents are constantly seeking ways to elevate their business and outshine the compe��on. At Vintage Mortgage Firm, we understand your aspira�ons and are here to provide you with the Real Estate Elevator; Eleven Ways that we help transform your career. From adop�ng a unique mindset to personalized coaching and cu�ng-edge technology, we are commited to propelling you to higher levels of success.

  1. A Different Mindset: Dis�nguishing ourselves from the compe��on, we firmly believe that your clients are YOUR clients. With this refreshing perspec�ve, we aim to help you build client loyalty and establish las�ng rela�onships that elevate your business.
  • Service and Referrals: We not only close loans fast and on �me but also strive to make you look great in front of YOUR clients. Our remarkable average submission-to-close �me of 14 days ensures efficient transac�ons. Addi�onally, we regularly come across unatached buyers and sellers who need the exper�se of real estate agents. By partnering with us, you can expect valuable referrals.
  • Lead Genera�on: Mastering lead genera�on is the key to expanding your business. Our team specializes in crea�ng targeted strategies that can boost your annual closings by 24 transac�ons or more. We’ll assist you in cleaning up and organizing your exis�ng database and help you develop strong referral rela�onships within your sphere of influence. Moreover, we’ll guide you in expanding your network by connec�ng with professionals beyond your current sphere, such as family law atorneys, trust atorneys, and financial planners.
  • Cu�ng-Edge Technology: Embrace the power of technology to stay ahead of the compe��on. At The Real Estate Elevator, we u�lize the latest tools and technology to streamline the mortgage process and provide a seamless experience for our clients. By leveraging these resources, you can improve your business opera�ons and establish yourself as a tech-savvy agent.
  • Situa�onal Experience and Knowledge: With over three decades of experience in the mortgage industry, we possess a wealth of knowledge and exper�se. Having successfully closed over 6000 loans, we are equipped to handle even the most complex transac�ons. This situa�onal experience enables us to provide the best possible service to your clients.
  • Follow Up and Follow Through: Consistent follow-up and follow-through are vital for building las�ng rela�onships. Our team u�lizes cu�ng-edge technology to stay connected with your clients, engaging them in their homeownership journey. We offer long-term plans to prepare them for buying a home and ensure that when they’re ready, they return to you, with our endorsement.
  • The One Bite At a Time Show: Tune in to “One Bite At a Time,” our weekly show available on mul�ple social media pla�orms. This invaluable resource provides real estate agents with �ps and insights to grow their business. Addi�onally, we offer assistance in marke�ng your lis�ngs and provide important industry updates to keep you informed and compe��ve.
  • Great Team: Excep�onal customer service is at the core of our values. Our dedicated team, comprising experienced assistants, processors, underwriters, and problem solvers, ensures that we promptly answer calls and provide unwavering support to you and your clients.
  • Engagement: We believe in u�lizing a combina�on of cu�ng-edge technology, automa�on, and tradi�onal sales skills to keep clients engaged and informed throughout the transac�on. Our Perfect Timing Educa�on (PTE) automa�on keeps clients connected from suspect to closed

transac�on and beyond. If your client ever reaches out to us for pre-approval again, we ensure they are directed back to you.

  1. The Housing Huddle: Join us on the second and fourth Thursday of every month for “The Housing Huddle,” an open Zoom call that covers all things real estate. This non-pressure environment allows your clients to have their ques�ons answered by industry experts.

Addi�onally, we host Huddles specifically tailored for real estate agents, offering insights on lead genera�on, marke�ng, automa�on, client reten�on, referral strategies, and more. It’s the perfect opportunity to create valuable referral partnerships and influen�al friendships.

  1. Coaching and Training: Drawing from our experience of training thousands of agents at real estate workshops, we now offer personalized coaching and training programs. Our coaching is tailored to your specific level in the real estate industry, helping you improve your skills and grow your business. As part of our commitment to your success, we provide access to all live workshops by video to members of the One Bite At a Time Community. From lease op�ons and all-inclusive trust deeds to the lead genera�on machine and goal se�ng, our workshops cover a wide range of topics.

Conclusion: The Real Estate Elevator is your �cket to reaching new heights in your real estate career. Through our expert strategies, including adop�ng a unique mindset, providing excep�onal service, and u�lizing cu�ng-edge technology, we aim to elevate your business and help you stand out in a compe��ve market. With our support in lead genera�on, follow-up, marke�ng, coaching, and more, you’ll have the tools and resources to build and expand your real estate empire. Get on board The Real Estate Elevator today and experience the transforma�on it brings to your professional journey.

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